Learn Languages by reading books

Scan pages, read on your phone or tablet and quickly translate any word or phrase

Immerse Yourself In BOOks

Learn using content that you can’t find online.

Explore bookshelves, libraries and bookshops to reach your next language learning milestone: reading a real book.

Scan, Translate, Learn

Save time and avoid pirating sites by scanning your physical books directly, instead of trawling the internet for a digital PDF or EPUB that doesn’t exist.

Easily import and read documents, novels or magazines in the language you are learning.

Rapidly Expand your vocabulary

Studying within a context is significantly more effective compared to memorising individual words, enabling you to master thousands of words quickly.

Read like a native and acquire vocabulary more efficiently by translating only the words you need, without tedious searches or translating the whole page.

How it works


Take a photo of a page


Click any word to translate